About Me

I was born in Santa Monica, CA, and grew up in Bethesda, MD. I currently live in College Park, MD, and I will be moving to Palo Alto, CA, in August 2014, where I will be starting as a software engineer at Google.

I have a B.S. and a B.A. in computer science and linguistics with a concentration in German at the University of Maryland. My other academic interests include Latin and history.

From the summer of 2011 to the summer of 2013, I interned at Arcode Corporation in Bethesda, MD, working on Inky, an email client.

I hold a D2013 rating in sabre from the United States Fencing Association, as well as a referee rating of 8 in sabre and 9 in foil and épée. As an undergraduate, I fenced for the University of Maryland Fencing Club, where I was president for the 2012-2013 school year, sabre captain from 2012-2014, and two-time club conference individual sabre champion. I still represent Terrapin Fencing, the USFA affiliate of the UMD club.

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